US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) meets with South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul (R) in the Thomas Jefferson Room of the US State Department in Washington, DC, on February 28, 2024. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP )
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) meets with South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul (R) in the Thomas Jefferson Room of the US State Department in Washington, DC, on February 28, 2024. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP)

[Cheonji Daily News Washington=Reporter Eloise Lee] — February 28

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Wednesday he looks forward to being in South Korea where the Summit for Democracy will be hosted from March 18 to 20.

It will be the third annual summit since the initiative was originally helmed by US President Joe Biden in 2021.

“This is something near and dear to the heart of President Biden,” said Blinken to his counterpart Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul at the State Department when he committed to attending the summit on Wednesday.

The two officials had met just days ago in Brazil for the G20 Summit, and convened again for bilateral discussions in Washington, bringing attention to the strength of the ROK-US alliance.

“We're working together on virtually every major challenge that we have to contend with around the world,” Blinken said.

Foreign Minister Cho highlighted their unity in condemning North Korea's actions, including its export of munitions and ballistic missiles to Russia; standing together to support Ukraine; and securing the Gulf of Aden where Iranian-backed Houthis have increased attacks on shipping vessels, including American targets.

“There's truly no daylight in our combined readiness posture,” said Cho.

ⓒ천지일보 2024.02.28. The flags of the United States and the Republic of Korea adorn the Eisenhower Executive Building next to the White House in Washington DC during the official State Visit by South Korea last year. The two allies commemorated the 70th anniversary of the ROK-U.S. Alliance. / Eloise Lee Cheonji Daily News
ⓒ천지일보 2024.02.28. The flags of the United States and the Republic of Korea adorn the Eisenhower Executive Building next to the White House in Washington DC during the official State Visit by South Korea last year. The two allies commemorated the 70th anniversary of the ROK-U.S. Alliance. / Eloise Lee Cheonji Daily News
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