When the impeachment was approved on the 9th , there were widespread reports that the poll result was a sign of ‘energy from the universe’ as the numbers were a sequence of 1234567 - absence of 1, approval of 234, disapproval of 56 and invalidity of 7. In addition to this outcome, a survey agency presented an approval rate of 78.2%, which accounts for 234 numbers of people that is exactly identical to those numbers of approval on the 9th. There are further rumor on the street that the decision of the Constitutional Court will be finalized after ‘89’ days, which many would not be surprised in the future considering the strange phenomenon of this ‘energy from the universe’ as the sequence of number is ‘1234567’.

However ‘energy from the universe’ is no longer a crack of a joke in today’s reality as far as to this government is concerned, but in fact is a boil that has finally festered after decades of veiled problems.

Apart from the strange help from the energy of the universe that has led to the impeachment, the leader of the Saenuri Party, Jung-Hyun Lee, has also offered himself to eat his own hat on the 30th should the impeachment gets approved. Plenty of parody pictures were all over the place following the impeachment, and so did with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un ridiculing President Park.  

How did the politics in Korea collapse to this extent? Come to think of it, it is not only politics but across all areas in economy·social·cultural·religion – every citizens in the country now feel it themselves today. The reality to live on a daily basis was more important to all of us until now, but when enough was enough with all the corrupted officials in the country, the power of united candlelight rallies were too bright to be stopped, and ultimately were the only force to save the sinking Republic of Korea.Now is the time to start a new era of Republic of Korea with this one-hearted candlelight mind of the people.

For the ‘better year in whilst seeing the old one out’ is an objective for the people of Korea. In order to do so, people have to be united as one than ever so, and the candlelight rally needs to be a culture that continues to unite the people under one roof for a better Korea in the future.

However by taking advantage of this situation for an alternative purpose is absolutely unacceptable. Like a wolf in a lamb disguise, one cannot use candlelight as a lethal weapon – candlelight is a tool to eliminate the weakness of Korea, not a weapon for money and power of one. Thereupon, it is imperative to possess the courage and right judgement to those who hold the candlelight in their hands in order to save this country from the wolves.

Sacrifice is needed when one has belief in certain thing, and an example to that would be when one realizes that the truth was in fact a lie, and the other way around when a lie was in contrast a truth. Misunderstanding and prejudice sometimes turns out to be a good thing, which means certain beliefs which I’ve had in mind could be wrong in a certain way. Saving my faith at the cost of another person – for that reason it is essential to overcome bias that has been in mind for a long time. It might be difficult to do so initially as it has been in one’s mind for quite some time. However, having an objective perspective would be needed, in particular at this time that wouldprevent me from making wrong judgements from Medias and those people with impartial suggestions. Thereupon, one must overcome oneself all the time in order to find the truthful meaning. By achieving so would then one could become a lamp to brighten up the world and Republic of Korea.

Those hands which hold the candlelight need to be free from biased minds as those will need to have truthful eyes – this does not apply only to the collapsed politics of Korea but also to all areas in the Republic of Korea today for a better bright future.

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