The nation is noisy thanks to a major case involved with Choi Soon-Sil. The whole media and broadcasting news are all about her and her friend, President Park Geun-Hye, and no wonder why throughout online and TV programs are full of parodies on the two protagonists.

Research View, a dedicated research center, has conducted and released President Park’s performance of duties this October, which was by far the lowest with 10.4% as to regards to her positive performance whereas the highest with 81.2% in terms of her negative performance. Even President Park’s loyal votes of the 60s showed 18.1% of a positive performance versus 66.1% of negative. Furthermore, the latest survey also showed that the 18th presidential election was appropriate decision with 20.1% versus wrong decision with 66.0%, which clearly is evidence that the public has deserted President Park ever since ‘Choi Soon-Sil’s state affairs monopoly’. It is a big consensus that it’s only a matter of time President Park’s approval rating will collapse to a single digit.

On suspicion of deeply being involved in state affairs as well as misusing foundation funds, Choi Soon-Sil is in the center of allegations that she had manipulated important government affairs from behind. As an important issue, she attended the prosecutor’s office on the 31st where more than 300 reporters congregated that obviously showed this was the ‘hottest’ issue at the moment – not to forget to mention that countless reporters from overseas also were present along with the 300 which for sure is a national embarrassment.

Another topic that caught much attention as a result of this matter is a the Church of Eternal Life, a religion founded by Choi Soon-Sil’s own father, Choi Tae-Min. He founded this pseud-religion by combining the doctrines of Christianity, Buddhism and Cheondoism. This religion seduces people by ‘Dream’, and many are guessing that President Park has initially been approached during her time as a first lady. 

It is very likely that Choi Tae-Min personally sent a letter to President Park, who back then lost her mother from assassination, which First Lady Yuk Young-Soo appeared in his dream and thus seduced her accordingly. It is no longer a doubt to easily predict that Choi Soon-Sil has been with President Park to continue with sorcery until today. Republic of Korea is a nation that provides with freedom of religion, and therefore, one’s religion cannot be judged accordingly. However, because an individual represents a nation, the President should not lose control either way to negatively influence state affairs simply because of her own religion. Moreover, a leader being a puppet is unacceptable, and no wonders why the majority of the Korean people are enraged because of this sensitive matter.

The harmful effect of pseud-religion is that it is not shy to ‘cheat’ on those people with weak minds. Using the shield of religion, this is like a cancer on our society simply as it wouldn’t mind to conduct illegal activities by cleverly packaging itself for the purpose of enriching itself. 

Another aspect of this matter is that President Park has delivered massive disappointment to those people who have fully trusted her. Putting a title President aside, one can understand that an individual can have belief on a certain religion and rely on it regardless of it being a wide-known or a religious cult. However this can be only be understandable on the basis of privacy. As a leader of a country and a military commander at the same time, if the President is being controlled as a puppet, this is not tolerable and deserves to be judged by the people of Korea.

Resignation and impeachment are claimed everywhere – however what is more important for now is a strict investigation and punishment on the basis of suspicion on manipulation from the shadows – and ultimately sincere apologies from the President directly herself. The President is selected by her own people, and people have waited on the premise that the trial and error would only help advance for further development positively. Our last expectation is to hope for the President to act accordingly to the faith of Korean people. 

Having only 2 months left of the remaining 2016, all Koreans urge yet again for an impartial investigation and punishment to this matter solely for a better future of the Republic of Korea.

▶Korean: [천지일보 시론] 비선실세 의혹 전반에 걸친 엄정한 수사와 처벌 대통령의 진심어린 사과가 필요하다

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