▲ (Third Left) On the 18th of last month, Islam Edmond Briama, religious leader of Islam, and other religious leaders stand for a celebratory picture after the signing of the international peace agreement and alliance of religions.

“This peace summit was truly an event blessed by God himself. I find Chairman Man-Hee Lee’s idea surprising and astounding.” The reactions of the attendees of WARP (World Alliance of Religions: Peace Summit) were uniform. The summit is viewed as a “historic event” in which heads of state of more than 20 different countries and over 2,000 leaders from different religions and women, youth and peace organizations gathered for one purpose, the cessation of war and world peace. The audience expressed their amazement of the idea of an international agreement, “the Unity of Religions” and “Peace Agreement” brought forth by Chairman Lee.

Former president of Croatia, Stipe Mesić (former president of Yugoslavia) remarked, “This peace conference is truly a groundbreaking event. I have never seen so many presidents and religious leaders take part in one event for peace.” He added, “I find Chairman Lee’s idea very surprising and astonishing. I am confident that this event will have a constructive effect in achieving world peace and the cessation of war.”

Leader of the Islam faith, Edmond Briama said, “All changes must start with someone. It is imperative that the delegates and religious leaders who have gathered here today for the cessation of war and world peace begin the international peace agreement.” “Furthermore,” he added, “what will bring all religions to come to a true alliance is something we all must pray and ask God for.”

Compliments of the arrangement and the discipline of the organization followed. Sahul Hameed Athambawa, president of a religious organization of Sri Lanka, said, “I attended many conferences including those in Austria and Norway. However, this is the first that I have seen such a well systemized conference.” He added that the “opening ceremony, which gathered over 20,000 people” was when there was “ true transcendence of all races, nations and religions” and expressed that he was “truly happy to take part in the event.”

The genuineness and coordination of the host of the event is seen to have contributed to the attendees’ views of South Korea. The president of the Brazilian Protestant Pastor’s Organization, Antonio Sadi Bazinail, stated, “I began to respect Chairwoman Kim and Chairman Lee when I witnessed the true concern they had in achieving world peace. Before coming here, I did not know about South Korea, however, seeing their respect for foreign guests and diligence made me see how great South Korea has become.”

When the question was asked, “Would true alliance of religions be made possible after the conference?” most religious leaders answered, “it is a must.” Representative of Sikhism, Sung Saheev Giani answered, “The sacred scriptures of all religions show that the alliance must happen. It is not the religious leaders who speak of division and conflict but the political leaders.” He further added, “This conference was an event blessed by God in order to achieve peace.”

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